Professional Development Session:
Teaching in the Age of Immediate Feedback
Discover strategies to use AI-driven insights for editing sessions, conferencing, and peer reviews to enhance student writing outcomes.
Session Overview
This professional development (PD) session is designed to help teachers adapt their instructional strategies to effectively incorporate the immediate feedback provided by WisdomK12. Building on the previous sessions, teachers will learn how to guide students through reflective editing, effective conferencing, and revamped peer review using AI-driven insights. The goal is to maximize student learning and writing growth in this new paradigm of instant feedback.
Session Objectives
By the end of this session, teachers will:
Learn strategies for facilitating classroom editing sessions with immediate AI feedback.
Develop effective student-teacher conferencing techniques based on WisdomK12 feedback.
Design activities that guide students to create actionable improvement plans for their writing.
Revamp peer review practices to incorporate Wisdom feedback and foster critical thinking.
Teaching in the Age of Immediate Feedback
Teaching in the Age of Immediate Feedback
Agenda (2 hours)
1. Welcome and Framing the Session
(10 Minutes)
Introduction: Recap previous sessions and outline the goals for integrating immediate feedback into teaching practices.
Discussion Starter: Ask teachers to share how they currently address feedback in their classrooms and the challenges they face.
2. Structuring Classroom Editing Sessions
(30 Minutes)
How to leverage immediate feedback during classroom editing sessions.
Tips for creating a productive environment where students engage with AI-generated feedback.
Walk-and-Talk Simulation:
Teachers simulate walking around the room while students examine their WisdomK12 feedback.
Practice phrases to guide discussions, such as:
"What do you notice about your feedback?"
"Which suggestions resonate with you the most? Why?"
"What’s your first step in addressing these comments?"
Reflection Exercise:
Teachers work in pairs to plan how they would structure a 20-minute editing session. Share and discuss plans with the group.