Teachers Are in Shock When They See WisdomK12 Grade and Evaluate Writing Assignments

a teacher’s new bff

wisdomk12 in a nutshell


WisdomK12 accelerates your feedback and the student’s learning


WisdomK12 offers in-depth, personal feedback to engage your students


WisdomK12 is easy, no learning curve required for you or your students

powerful results, but simple to use

Step #1

Create a Writing Assignment for Your Students

Step #2

Students Submit Completed Writing to WisdomK12

Step #3

Within a Minute You Receive Scoring and Feedback

Step #4

Armed With Feedback You Can Meet with Your Students

Step #5

You Will Track the Progress of Your Students over Time

“If there is a better tool to teach writing, I haven’t seen it.”

Robin Shafer, 30-year Educator and Department Chair, Pittsburgh, PA

join the waitlist

We are currently running pilot programs for Wisdom K12 with select school districts nationwide. during this time we will make this incredible new software available for individual classroom use on a first-come, first-serve, free trial basis.